Technology has been on my mind this year as we were given a new iPad this summer. I have been busy playing around, exploring Apps, and thinking about how to best use this incredible resource in my first grade classroom. Although I don't have all the answers, I did want to share my new idea on how to use the Sock Puppet App in my classroom. If you have not used Sock should check it out. It is simple and easy to use. Plus it is downright fun and engaging. Last week I had my first birthday student. I decided that I would create a Sock Puppet skit and sing "Happy Birthday" through this App as a special way to end our day for all student birthdays this year. There are two main reasons why I love this idea! First, it is FREE ! Second, you can't actually tell it is my voice and the kids were trying to guess whose voice it was! My first grade teaching partner and I also used the Sock Puppet App for our back to school curriculum night to introduce ourselves at t...